When opportunity meets capability, Magic happens: Reinsurers must look to capitalize on the INR 95 Trillion Surety Bonds opportunity in India through Technology

What’s a Tech Company doing here?
Underwriting support for Surety Bonds
Making life easier for Reinsurers with Real Time Risk Accumulation reports, Consolidated data on the customer
Technology to gather data from companies with just a Few OTPs
Heard of InsurTech but What is SuretyTech?
Technology provider for Insurance Surety Bonds = SuretyTech
Streamlining Underwriting with Real-Time data
Technology to gather data from companies with just a Few OTPs
Surety Bonds have barely made it to India, Technology here already?
Experienced team has worked in the Global Surety market and foresees Surety Bonds exponential growth in Indian market.
Surety Se7en technology makes it possible to gather the right data on a company and accelerate the growth of Indian Surety Bonds market
Once it reaches India, technology infusion is inevitable and rather desirable. Just like UPI technology for payment, Surety Se7en tech will become an enabler for Surety Bonds.
7 reasons for Reinsurers to support Surety Se7en
We have the passion (& you have the experience)
We have the technology (& you have the knowledge)
We know how to get the data (& you know how to use it right)
We have the right market in India (& you want to grow)
We have requisite distribution channels (& you have the capacities)
We understand the legal intricacies in India (& you understand them at global level)
We have the understanding of the product & the process (& you have the ability to reinforce our understanding)
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Capturing the INR 95 Trillion Surety Bonds Opportunity in INDIA = Your Reinsurance Support + Our Technology